I haven't written on here in what seems like a long time. I don't know what happened but eventually I phased out of polyphasic sleep. I think probably it was because the experiments I was doing were too extreme and I needed to recuperate. It's interesting to note that at first I found it difficult to sleep longer than 4.5hrs per day, but eventually I evened out at about 6hrs a day with a half hour nap. Recently though, I've been sleeping more and more again, to the point where I'm sleeping 7hrs at night and 90mins in the day, and it's not agreeing with me; I've just been feeling so tired. Past experiments have taught me though, that the more I sleep the more tired I feel, and so I've decided to counteract this problem by starting up with polyphasic sleep again.
I looked back over my logs and noticed that triphasic sleep was my favorite, and agreed with me the best. The problem I had, however, was that I couldn't always find 90mins in the day to nap. I initially decided to split it into two 30mins if I had to, but then I revisited the site http://www.polyphasicsociety.com/ and noticed the dual core schedules which seem to be new. The two that interest me the most are these two:
They very closely resemble the circadian triphasic, and substitute the longer nap in the afternoon for a slightly longer nap at the beginning of the night and one or two shorter ones in the day. The one I'm considering doing is the second one, except with a 30, 45, or 60min afternoon nap depending on how I'm feeling, unless of course I don't have time and need to split it into two 20min naps. My schedule will roughly go as follows:
11:00pm - 01:30am
6:00am - 07:30am
2:30pm - 3:15pm
Altogether this should give me around 4.5hrs sleep or so, and because it's fairly circadian it'll be fairly easy and I won't have too much trouble sleeping so little again. The first schedule is what I would revert to for a day if I ended up missing a nap. This schedule would be perfect because I would probably get all my deep sleep at the beginning of the night and the rest of my REM in the morning, whilst the afternoon would give my body a chance to catch up on middle sleep and any other sleep it missed.
I'm not particularly sure what I'm going to do with all this extra time yet, although I have a few ideas. I have high hopes for this schedule though, and if anything would like to try it out for just a week to see how it fares compared to the other schedules I tried. Right now it's coming up to 9:30pm and I'm functioning on a full 8.5hrs sleep that I had last night. I have been segmenting my sleep a little over the last week during the nights just to get back into the habit again, but I've been finding it hard to wake up, hence why I started this blog again, to give me motivation.
So without further adieu tonight I start my first dual-core sleep schedule. I'll make sure to update this as often as I can.