Monday, 20 August 2012

Monophasic every other night - update

I haven't posted on here for a while as I've been busy writing a new fic. So sorry about that. Here's an overview of the last few days.

Days 5&6:
I slept 8.45hrs which kept me going for the first 30hrs. I then went to take a short 15min nap at 2pm because I was tired, but I forgot to set my alarm and ended up sleeping 45mins instead. The fact I only slept 45mins naturally goes to show how little sleep I actually need these days. I was fine for the rest of the day.

Days 7&8:
I only managed to sleep 7.5hrs this night because I'd slept a lot the afternoon before. I didn't feel any different on 7.5hrs than on 9hrs and managed to stay up no problem. I went to have a short nap about 21hrs later though because I was bored and ended up sleeping a whole hour and a half. I'm not sure how because my alarms were all set and when I'd woken up they'd been turned off, yet I remember nothing. However, the next day I didn't feel tired for the rest of the 16hrs I was awake. I felt better sleeping like this.

Days 9&10:
I slept 9.5hrs, and was fine. Felt a little tired after 18hrs so I took a nap but I couldn't sleep. I was fine soon after though and woke up. Then I went to take a morning nap a few hours later and again didn't wake up for another hour and a half. So altogether I ended up sleeping close to 11hrs over these 48hrs. It felt a little too much, but I wasn't tired during the day, which felt good.

Decided to change my sleep schedule a little and sleep 7.5hrs the first night and then 1.5hr the next night rather than just trying to sleep only once every other night. As is probably obvious by now, I wasn't really sleeping only once every other night because I couldn't stop taking naps. To be honest taking naps has become so normal it's become addictive. I just love taking naps now, even if I can't sleep. However sleeping during the day every day can be a little inconvenient, so I decided to split my 9hrs over the two nights instead in a Biphasic like schedule, except over 48hrs instead of 24. I noticed when this happened I was never tired during the evening like on all the other schedules, and I didn't feel the need to take a nap so strongly. So I'm going to try this instead.

Also this isn't related so much to my sleep patterns, but after my hour and a half nap the other day I went to have a short 15min nap again two hours after it and accidentally ended up WILDing for the first time, which for those who don't know stands for 'wake induced lucid dream.' They're extremely difficult to have, and I had the most amazing experience so I might play more with that by taking a short nap after the first 1.5hr nap. As a side note, the amount of lucid dreams I've been having recently is incredible. Almost every week or two I'm having one. Yet they're completely accidental. So kudos to polyphasic sleep. It's awesome.

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