I've decided to experiment with a Polyphasic sleeping cycle. Basically, without going too much into detail, it means that if I split my sleep into scientifically proven periods of time over the whole day, like naps, rather than sleeping all in one go I could theoretically sleep as little as two hours per day and have no ill effects for it, well, after the supposed initial transition period that is.
I've decided to do the Everyman 3 cycle. This means I'll sleep 4.5 hours every night, and in conjunction with that have two 20 minute naps separated throughout the day. Altogether I'll be sleeping an average of 5.2 hours per day. I figured this was perfect, not too easy, not too hard. It should gain me around three hours extra time per day.
The transition phase is the hard part. I'll be going through some major sleep deprivation that'll last from anywhere around two weeks to two months whilst my body is adjusting, so this will be like a mini daily diary on my progress.
Day 1:
I've been up since 8:00am. I went to bed at around 3:30am the 'night' before falling asleep almost instantaneously due to being so tired. Overcoming boredom was the hardest though. Reading is difficult when you're tired, so I ended up procrastinating my time away on social networking sites really. I almost gave up from boredom alone.
I saw it though, however. My first 20 minute nap was due at 2:30pm but I couldn't fall asleep and the alarm went off before I could even relax. I guess it's only normal, my body's not used to sleeping at such an obscure time.
My second 20 minute nap time was just recently at 10:00pm. I was more tired by this time so I managed to slip into a hypnagogic state, but I still couldn't fall asleep, despite almost being on the edge. However, I did feel more refreshed afterwards.
General sleep deprivation symptoms over the course of the day include: Headache, light-headedness, zoning out, neck strain, dry eyes, sensory overload, being hungrier than normal.
It's now 11:00pm and I've got around another 4.5 hours before I can turn in for my core sleep. After that light relaxation of a nap earlier I reckon it shouldn't be as hard as it was last night. Plus, I'm gonna be using the time this time to write more fanfic. I'm feeling surprisingly good and optimistic.
Note: I've been in a generally positive mood all day, so no irritability signs... Yet.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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