Friday, 25 May 2012

Polyphasic Sleep Schedule - Day 4

Day 4:

Today was a good day. This morning before my core sleep I had almost no trouble in staying awake. I wrote quite a productive amount of fan fiction, caught up watching some Heroes, and then did some more research. I feel like I'm adjusting to this new schedule really quick. I'm really beginning to appreciate the extra hours seeing as I'm not feeling too zombified to do anything during those hours anymore.

I went to sleep at 3:30am and woke up accidentally three hours later exactly, feeling like I'd slept a full night. I almost decided to wake up there and then, but then figured it was probably best to stick to the schedule as much as possible, and I fell back to sleep for another hour and a half.

For the first time today I remembered a dream I had during my core sleep. It was something about insects and the end of the world, I think. Also, the time dilation when sleeping is becoming more pronounced. After 4.5 hours of core sleep I felt like I'd slept at least seven hours, not to mention the first three hours before waking felt like five.

I've noticed that the first couple of hours after my core sleep is difficult to wake up from. It basically feels like I've woken up drunk. Very weird indeed. During these first couple of hours I find myself walking into things and stumbling around more often than what should be considered normal. After a tardy shower though that disappears.

My first nap was at 2:30pm like usual. I used the iso-chronic tones to help me drift off to sleep again, and lo and behold results! I drifted in and out of stage 1 sleep until what felt like the penultimate five minutes, and then I had a dream!

I dreamed I was angry with someone and I kicked them, hard. However, the action caused my leg to flinch whilst I was sleeping, thereby waking me. I was probably only dreaming for about half a minute, but a dream is a dream. The flinching should go away once my mind learns to put my body under sleep paralysis more rapidly.

My second nap, which I had at 10:20pm, I didn't manage to dream to, but I was falling in and out of sleep again. I've noticed that with each nap the time I spend falling into sleep increases by a few seconds before suddenly waking again.

I'm still trying to find the optimal time to nap in the evening because unfortunately I have to work around my family. I've noticed that I start to get really grumpy though when I have a nap coming up, it's difficult to wind down with the house so alive.

I haven't really been feeling unusually tired since day 2. I do get light dips of tiredness between certain hours, but that's natural in everyone. Otherwise, it's going good, and I feel great, it's incredible how much more alert I feel in general over the whole day. It's a strange concept because I'm actually sleeping almost half the amount as before.

I can't think of any negative side effects today, bar pre-nap irritability and morning inebriation. I still have awful dark circles under my eyes mind, which is sort of hilarious seeing as I don't feel as tired as I look.

I would say this adjustment phase is like experiencing jetlag, except it feels better. Only day four in and already I feel like it's become habit. I would be devestated to lose the extra hours and general feeling of well-being over the day.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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