Friday, 29 June 2012

Back to Biphasic - Day 1

Last night was the first night of my new biphasic schedule. I went to bed at 10:00pm and was woken up by my smart alarm at 11:40pm. I had a little sleep inertia, and I had a few micronaps before deciding to get up and doing a little exercise to shake it off. It wasn't bad, unlike being awoken after two hours, I think I must have been in stage 3 sleep heading back down for stage 4 when I was woken. Instead of posting my usual graph, I've decided to take the information and make a more easily readable chart, as it can be very difficult to distinguish between deep sleep and stage 2 sleep on my Sleep as Android app. I have learned to distinguish the two however, so here's a line graph of my first nap:

The key for the y-axis is:
4 = Awake
3 = REM sleep (Dreaming)
2 = Stage 2 sleep
1 = Deep sleep

It wasn't that great in terms of quality, but I still got a good amount of deep sleep. I found myself awake and alert though all the way through to my core sleep, par a tired period a around 2:30am. I didn't know whether I'd manage to fall asleep for my core seeing as it had only been about 5hrs since my last nap and I was still feeling pretty much awake. I surprised myself though by falling asleep almost instantly. Here's the graph:

A lot of my morning sleeps so far have been pretty erratic as my sleep is still rearranging itself. Here I fell asleep at about 4:40am and my smart alarm woke me at 8:20am, giving me about 3hrs and 40mins of sleep. It is a little more than I meant it to be, as initially I wanted to start off at 3hrs and 30mins and reduce down to 3hrs, but I only slept 3.5 hours the day before and I was pretty tired. My morning sleeps themselves actually feel really restful, but the cycles are more than a little messed up.

I've decided that over the weekend, starting tomorrow, I'm going to sleep-in with my core and let my cycles sort themselves out enough for me to know when I should cut it off, because at the moment, after looking over all the data from my morning sleeps over the last few days, there seems to be no easily distiguishable pattern.

Otherwise, I feel like I'm dreaming a lot more, but I can never rememeber full dreams, just bits and pieces. I'm hoping that after about a week my REM will start to re-adjust itself, and hopefully my deep sleep by the second week, if not by the end of the next week. One thing I'm concerned about is how about half of my core sleep at the moment seems to be stage 2 sleep, but again, I'm hoping that'll be replaced soon enough with either more REM or deep sleep.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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