Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Triphasic Sleep Schedule - Day 2

Yesterday I had no ill effects during the day from only sleeping 3.5 hours during the night, par from a tired period around about 11am, but that passed after about 15 minutes.

I went to have my nap at 3:00pm and set my alarm for 4:00pm. I won't post my graph though because it was pretty restless, I think it took me 20 minutes to fall asleep, and then I was waking up every 5 to 10 minutes till I gave up just before my alarm was due to go off. I think I still got about 20 segmented minutes of sleep altogether though.

Anyhow, it was enough to perk me up for a while, but come 10pm I was super tired. It was a little weird since I never get tired at 10pm, and as much I would prefer to move my first nap to that time, my sister doesn't sleep till 11pm, and I remember when I tried to nap at that time before she would often disturb me. Also, it's not very practical for other more social nights when I need to stay up just that hour extra. I'm sure once I sleep better in the afternoon though I should get tired closer to 11pm.

I had my first nap, which actually psychologically feels like my third and last nap, at 11:00pm and my smart alarm didn't wake me up till 1:00am, which gave me two hours of sleep. Here's the graph:

It woke me up at a lighter period, but I was still having a lot of low frequency theta waves at the time and ended up having sleep inertia for about an hour or so after waking. An hour of exercise cured that though.

My second nap of the day, or now I'm gonna call it my first, because it feels that way, was from 5:45am to 8:00am. My alarm didn't wake me until the 2.15 hour mark though, which sounds about the average length of one of the longer sleep cycles. So altogether during the night I slept 45 minutes longer than I meant to. Here's the graph:

As can be seen this nap is so much more restful than yesterday's morning nap. I had a lot of deep sleep and stage 2 sleep in it, but I still didn't feel that build up of sleep pressure like you usually do after not sleeping all night. It was deep and restful but not a horribly bottomless oblivion, and that feels super nice upon waking. I haven't had that feeling since I started polyphasic sleeping. It's lush.

Also, despite my graph saying other wise, during the morning nap it felt like I was dreaming forever. For once since starting this experiment I not only remember a dream, I remember three, and on top of that they were the super crazy ones, which I haven't had since being monophasic. It's a really nice feeling.

I'm thinking that I prefer my morning nap to be the longest, and would like to wean my two 1 hour deep sleep cycles at night so that they last 1.5 hours instead of 2 hours. 2 hours for that time seems a little excessive, and of course if I'm having about 2 hours in the morning as well, my total sleep time will be closer to 5 hours instead of 4.5 hours. Granted that still earns me about 1 hour extra over all, but again, it just feels excessive. After two hours my body seems to think it can sleep for however long seeing as it wouldn't feel very nap-like, and ultimately I find waking up after three hours to be a lot more difficult.

One other thing I want to mention is that the naps themselves don't feel like only 2 hours. I think maybe because I've positioned them well, each one feels like I've slept a whole night. Time dilation is very blatant on this schedule. It's very weird but also feels really nice. It's like having a full night of monophasic sleep three times a day, if that were possible, just without any of the ill side effects. Of course my afternoon nap still needs to be optimized but another week and I'm sure it'll get there. Also, the bags under my eyes haven't worsened much, like they did when I was on Everyman 4.5, which is a good thing.

All in all this schedule is impressing me twice as much as the biphasic one did, and seeing as the biphasic one impressed me twice as much as being on monophasic did, that's saying quite something. I haven't experienced any sleep deprivation yet either. Both my body and mind feel amazing. The long afternoon naps make this a little impractical to do every day of the week, but I know I won't be stopping anytime soon, it just feels so damn good. Maybe I'm saying this a little premature but this is the best schedule I've been on as of yet.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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