Monday, 18 June 2012

Polyphasic Sleep Schedule - Days 28 to 30

Day 28:

End of day 28, when I last wrote my schedule, was the beginning of the weekend and it was a little erratic to say the least. I got extremely tired around 5pm and ended up taking a nap for an hour. I don't tend to put on the alarm for naps during the weekends seeing as it is the weekend and all, I try to give my body as much time as it needs to replenish itself over any sleep deprivation. Not just that but despite the fact I sleep more in the nights I tend to find myself about ten times as tired in the days during the weekends. Maybe I'm more tired because I sleep more those nights, it's difficult to tell at this stage.

Day 29:

After taking an hour nap I couldn't fall to sleep till about 3am, and even then I had to force myself asleep. I figured I'd sleep-in till about 10am at most. Well I couldn't sleep in at all. For some reason I had a really restless sleep and woke up at the 5.5 hour mark without need for the alarm. I tried falling back to sleep but I was just too restless. I was a little disappointed seeing as I barely had a sleep-in the night before either, but it didn't bother me so much. What did bother me was the fact we had family visiting for Father's Day and I couldn't find time to take a nap. It was much too noisy even if I had found time. I was super tired and grumpy, probably from having less quality sleep than normal. Also I'm hormonal so it's kind of expected.

Day 30:

I couldn't wait to get to sleep last night, I was so tired. I watched X-Men Origins Wolverine before heading off to sleep at 12:30am. I did originally intend to sleep 5.5 hours but for some reason it was taking me a while to fall asleep and so I reset my alarm for six hours, also hoping to make up for any sleep I lost on the weekend. It's kind of ironic really how I'm sleeping better during the weekdays.

It's now 4:15pm in the evening and I just had a 20 minute nap. It was a little noisy and I was woken a couple of times but I still think I got around 10 minutes sleep. It's amazing how fast I can fall to sleep now during the day, sometimes even under a minute in the right conditions. Otherwise I've been feeling okay all day, no sign of yesterday's tiredness or the day before.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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