With regret I have to say that I've changed to a different sleep pattern as I missed my nap, and on a schedule such as rigid as this, missing a nap is not an option. The problem is if I miss a nap, it takes me a few days to fall asleep at that time again. At this point in my life it's much too rigid. However it's one of the best sleep schedules I've tried as of yet, and as long as I woke up at the right time, I experienced no sleep deprivation. It's a shame really, but I may go back to this at some later point. It was really awesome, like having three days in one. I cannot stress enough how good this made me feel, and in fact this schedule came as natural as breathing to me. When I go to university though this is the schedule I'll definitely be trying first, providing I have the same times in each day to get in my afternoon nap.
Today though, I've decided to go back to a biphasic schedule. However, I'm not going to go back to the 5.5hrs+ 30mins again like I said I would. The problem is here that I can't always get my afternoon nap, and I'd rather not be reliant on that. Also, napping solely in 1.5hr increments has changed me, I agree that they're definitely much more restful than both a 20-30 nap and a 5 hour core when placed correctly. How anyone could call a 20 minute nap a compressed cycle beats me. I guess I shouldn't judge till I've tried a more extreme equidistant one such as Uberman. However, although I would try Uberman out of curiosity, I doubt I'd ever actually find time to do it. I also doubt I'd do it long term. For one I would find it a nuisance to have to sleep six times per day.
So the schedule I'm on at the moment is biphasic with a 3.5 hour core and a 1.5 hour nap. I've made the core quite short because I noticed that despite only having 2.15 hours of sleep this morning it didn't actually leave me feeling that tired throughout the day even though I missed my nap. I think my sister, who slept ten hours last night, was yawning more than me. In fact I wasn't even yawning at all. I think the important thing is that the right amount of sleep is gotten at about the right time, like a way of tricking the body into thinking it's had a cycle longer than it actually has had . So with no further adieu, here are the new plans I've drudged up so far:
That still gives me about five hours between each sleep, and I have the added advantage of falling asleep for my core when it's still dark. The way it would work is that my first nap would consist entirely of deep sleep, which would be ever the more efficient by being put an hour back. Then the first half of my 3hr core would be mostly stage two sleep, whilst the second half would be mostly REM sleep. Proportionally speaking, no more sleep than this is actually needed to be fit and healthy. And in actual fact if I couldn't take my night nap till later then I could always go triphasic again for a day or two, providing of course that there'll be chance for me to nap throughout the next day, but we can't always know that, we'll just see what happens. Otherwise, for real disasters such as partying late into the night, I'll probably just have to go monophasic, maybe with a nap squeezed in the next afternoon.
I guess really, all in all, I'm just sleeping a plethora of different schedules in the week. I don't mind though as they seem to compliment each other. Biphasic is probably the best though for everyday living. Either way, I think that after 6 weeks I've finally managed to trim off as much as 5 hours off my sleep and be as twice as functional on it.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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