Saturday, 16 June 2012

Week 4 Overview of Adjusted Sleep Schedule

This is a simple overview of the amount of sleep I've gotten this last week with my newly adjusted biphasic schedule.

5h45m + 35m = 6h20m
5h20m + 20m = 5h40m
5h30m + 30m = 6h
6h30m + 10m = 6h40m

Average = 6h.

I calculated my average amount of time asleep this week to be just under 6 hours per day. I know a lot of people my age sleep this anyway due to university and that but for me I've knocked 2.5 hours off my average sleep time, which is a lot considering I used to sleep 8.5 hours per day average. Also, I never used to take naps before so I figured I'd never be able to fall asleep in the day but I was wrong. Now I've learned to fall asleep in under 5 to 10 minutes, even less so if I do it at the time of my body's natural dips of around 3:00pm and 7:30pm. I view all this as quite a feat.

I feel good on this amount of sleep. In fact my parents have even noticed a change in my mood. I wasn't particularly depressed before or anything but now it feels like I have two to three times as much energy, weirdly enough. My libido has gone through the roof. If done properly for the individual, biphasic and polyphasic sleep can really work. I completely support it.

I would like to compress my sleep time further because I like both going to bed at 2:00am and waking up at 6:00am but this schedule feels perfect and as the saying goes, "don't fix it if it ain't broken." Also if I did that I'd have to have two naps most days and sometimes even having one nap is difficult to find undisturbed time for. Plus I figured I'd have plenty of time to go fully polyphasic once I myself eventually go to university and have to study a lot. I'm sure it'll come in really handy then, being able to sleep as little as 4.5 hours and feel ok for it, but right now, practically speaking, I don't actually need that extra time.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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