Saturday, 16 June 2012

Polyphasic Sleep Schedule - Day 28

Day 28:

So yesterday I forgot to take my nap because I was busy with something on the computer. That means I didn't do any exercise either and therefor I was really tired by the time dinner came around. I didn't want to take a nap then though because I knew it would keep me awake all morning. In the end I decided to take a 15 minute nap and keep it short. I feel asleep within 5 minutes and woke up just before the alarm, giving me a good 10 minutes of sleep.

That seriously perked me up and I didn't start to feel sleepy again till about 2:00am. I decided to go to sleep and not set any alarm and just wake up at whatever time: The thing is I'd stupidly forgotten to deactivate my weekday alarm and I ended up having my sister waking me up at 7:15am by dumping my phone on my bed. It had been vibrating since 6:00am! I switched it off but I didn't know whether to go back to sleep or not.

I'd had about 5.25 hours sleep at that point and considering this is around the period of my fourth sleep cycle that I usually wake up in I was all perky and awake. I considered staying awake and just having an extended nap in the day, but I find it difficult enough to find napping time in the day as it is.

I decided to stay in bed and try to fall back to sleep. It took me about half an hour to fall back to sleep, that's how alert my mind was. I don't think I've ever found it so difficult to go to sleep. I almost gave up but couldn't be bothered to move and eventually slipped into a light sleep. I remember waking up a couple of times before I fell into deeper sleep and was woken from a dream at 9:30am by my mum.

I was in bed about 7.5 hours but I reckon I slept around 6.5 hours altogether. It's a little weird. If someone had woken me up at the 7 hour mark before this experiment I would've been extremely pissed off at the disturbance. Now though I don't feel grumpy at all from the disturbances and I still feel like I've had a good sleep.

I do feel a little weird from the feeling of being in bed all day but seeing as I was disturbed twice it's not that pronounced. It actually feels like I woke up, had a brief waking period, and then had a 1.25 hour nap. I don't think I should be needing a nap in the day lest I feel like being awake all morning again. I think I'll do lots of exercise to tire me out and make all that extra sleeping time worth while. Maybe this sounds weird but I'm not sure I like sleeping anymore than 6 hours anymore, maybe 6.5 at it's max. I do feel absolutely fine on 5.5 hours of sleep.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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