Today marks the end of my first month polyphasically sleeping and the beginning of the second month. I'm extremely pleased, with myself, truth be told I didn't think I would last a week let alone a month. It's been an incredible journey.
Looking back I've taken a rough estimate of the average amount of time I've slept each week:
Week1 - 4.5 hours
Week2 - 4.5 hours
Week3 - 5.5 hours
Week4 - 6 hours.
Average = 5.125 hours per day.
Overall I've gained an extra 3.5 hours per day, making it 105 hours in the last 30 days. That's given me an extra 4.3 days wake time during the last month. That's incredible. I really can't believe it myself. I do realize that I've slept more in the last two weeks than I did in the first two weeks, so my average amount of time saved may be a little less this next month coming up but still it's amazing how I can sleep so much less and yet feel so much better for it.
I seriously recommend polyphasic sleeping. It was difficult at first, yes, and it took a lot of experimenting around with the times, yes, but that does go away and you begin to feel ten times better than the way you were sleeping previously. Pretty much all my initial sleep deprivation has gone now and I feel really good over all.
I've learned so much about myself during this whole process. Now I roughly know the length of each of my sleep cycles, and the length of each stage of sleep per cycle. I know the times I naturally feel lowest at during the day and I know how to optimize my sleep in a shorter amount of time. I've learned to fall asleep in under five minutes and for all of that I feel great.
I still think that I have tons of experimenting left to do though, seeing as I want to reduce my time asleep again even further, but it's all a matter of choice now, 5.5 hours with a 20 to 30 minute nap is now perfect for me to live on, and I have a feeling that's what I'll be falling back on should I experiment further in the future.
Now that I've hit the 1 month mark I'll be writing down the amount of sleep I've had per day in my notes and then update at the end of every week for the next month, for both mine and your benefits. I don't plan to stop anytime soon, or ever to be honest, so I'll keep this log going as long as possible, if not very regularly. I hope this log is a help for anyone who happens to stumble upon it.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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