Sunday, 1 July 2012

A Night of Monophasic

Who's the hell was this idea?! I don't even remember why I did this last night. I woke up after my nap after an hour and a half at 12:30am, and I awoke completely awake, with no sleep inertia or anything, yet I just couldn't be bothered to stay awake for a few hours and go back to sleep. I guess I had a temporary lack in will power. But that's ok because it's reminded me how shit monophasic sleep is.

I must have woken up a gazillion times during in the night. In fact my sleep graph is all over the place. I woke up at 3am bright and dandy after a mega dream, and after looking at my sleep graph all I could think was 'fuck'. The last three hours perfectly resembled the last few days of my morning sleeps. That was the good part.

I couldn't sleep for another 2 to 3 hours after that, and if i did fall to sleep I would just wake up again. Come 5am I was able to fall back into some resemblance of sleep again, but it was just this weird mixture of REM and stage 2 sleep. When I awoke I felt like hell. My head felt, and still feels super groggy, I feel dizzy, I feel sick, I can't stop yawning, bearing in mind that I wasn't yawning at all on the other sleep schedules. My body temperature has also gone through the floor. I feel like I'm on fire and it's awful. I have virtually no energy to do anything. Not to mention that after 9 hours in bed all I could think about on waking was "I just want to go back to sleep, I'm so incredibly tired." My eyes hurt, my muscles feel awfully stiff, and I'm already irritated and grumpy because I'm having to do so much in the day without anytime for myself. It feels like my day has been cut in half.

The worse is that tonight it'll probably take me about half an hour to fall asleep tonight. This was the worse idea ever. I feel like shit, completely unrested. I swear this time that whatever it takes I am going back biphasic. Like I said before I would prefer to go back to triphasic but it's pretty impractical for my schedule. So biphasic it is. Whatever it takes. For my sanity.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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