Sunday, 22 July 2012

Everyman Spamayl Adaption - Day 1

I'm sad to say that last night I failed once more. I managed to prevent myself from blacking out by pacing up and down my room, but I overslept twice. The first time I overslept it was by half an hour only, which isn't too much of a problem. Although for some reason for the first half an hour from waking I was experiencing some very vivid and freaky hallucinations. Which is a first for me in my life ever, and definitely not desirable again. The main problem came about though when I went for my core sleep; I didn't wake up for another four hours. I can now see that plunging into this is not the answer. I've decided yet again to go about this in a different way, as the end goal remains the same, to be a fully adapted Spamayl sleeper, perhaps with a short core, by lengthening the adaption period.

My body obviously can't override the urge to sleep for longer than at least a couple of hours in the morning, as I've been sleeping like that for a while now. So I've decided to go about this by following a basic Everyman 3 schedule for the first week, except with floating naps as in Spamayl, instead of having fixed nap times. Usually an Everyman 3 schedule consists of a 3 hour core with three 20 minute naps, yet as stated in an earlier post, I prefer 15 minute naps, so I shall be taking four of those instead of three. This shouldn't be too much of a stretch as I was sleeping a number of different ways for naps before, yet the 3 hour core was always constant. This will give me 4 hours sleep altogether, which should be enough for me to live on, as before I started this I was sleeping an average of 4.5 hours comfortably, whilst giving my body enough time to adapt to repartitioning my 15 minute naps.

After a week or so when I feel adapted enough, the idea is to cut 45 minutes off the end of my core and replace it with another 15 minute nap in the day. And after a week or so of that, repeat, and so on and so on until I'm at my goal of sleeping between 7 and 9 naps a day, perhaps with or without a core. This way it should take me at least a month to adapt, and probably two at most. It is longer this way, but it should be the most pain free. It also gives me a tangible goal to work towards. The idea is to cut my needed amount of sleep down to a minimum of 3 hours, although I'm sure that once I'm adapted to this schedule, 2 hours won't be much of a push from time to time.

Here is a series of pie charts I compiled to show how the ideal adaption process would take place. Remember that although the naps aren't fixed they would be around about these times as they're more ideal, and because I feel tired at these times.)

First week with a 3hr core and four 15 minute naps = a grand total of 4hrs sleep:
SL-Everyman 3 w/15

Second week with a 2.25hr core and five 15 minute naps = a grand total of 3.5hrs sleep:
SL-Everyman 2.15 w/15

Third week with a 1.5hr core and six 15 minute naps = a grand total of 3hrs sleep:
SL-Everyman 1.5 w/15

Fourth week with a 45min core and about seven 15 minute naps = a grand total of 2.5hrs sleep:
SL-Everyman .45 w/15

Note that I haven't put up the full Spamayl schedule without any cores. As much as this would save me an extra half an hour per day, I don't think it would be very efficient, as I would have to nap most of them in the late morning, and I can't really be bothered to nap-wake-nap-wake constantly, nor do I see the benefits in it. I think I would prefer a core anyway to help reset my circadian clock every morning by going to bed while it's still dark and waking up when it's light. Once properly adapted this can probably be shifted throughout the seasons without much problem. So this here is my end goal, and this is the way I shall be going about it. This shouldn't pose much of a problem and should be easy enough to adapt to. I really want to adapt to Spamayl because it seems like the perfect schedule, saves hours and yet isn't rigid. I have my whole heart dedicated into somehow perfecting and adapting to this schedule.

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