Thursday, 12 July 2012

Back to Triphasic - Day 6

Today, in comparison to yesterday, I've had a very good day. I woke last night after 45 minutes sleep with minimal inertia. I stayed up most the night watching Supernatural. Come 4:30am I fell asleep straight away. In fact it was one of those sleeps where I fell asleep so fast that I woke again about an hour later wondering why I was still awake, not realizing I'd actually fallen to sleep. It was pretty weird. It took me about ten minutes to fall back to sleep, before I woke up again at 7:20am.

As a side note I believe that from looking at my sleep graph today I've had a lot more REM sleep than I have done for the last few days. As one of my side projects I've actually been inspired to learn about occultism, and one of the exercises involve having a dream diary. At first I wrote it off as not being able to remember anything, yet miraculously after contemplating it for five to ten minutes loads of different dream images and feelings from my core sleep came back to me. I'm hoping I can use this to hone my polyphasic dreaming. From there I'm hoping to go onto lucid dreaming, as many polyphasers do, although that's still a very long term goal at the moment.

The morning core itself was very good in quality, the first half was all deep sleep, and the second half was mainly REM and lighter sleep. I still felt quite tired for the first couple of hours on waking though, although not so much so that I was in danger of accidentally falling asleep. Come 2:30pm and I wasn't tired, yet through all my experience of polyphasic sleeping I've learned to make myself tired and ready to sleep at the switch of a thought. From the moment I think "I need to be tired now," it takes ten minutes before I become so tired that I can't stand. I went to bed at 2:45pm, yet for some reason after it taking me about ten minutes to actually fall asleep, I woke up twenty minutes later. I was incapable of actually sleeping longer. I did try but nada, zilch, no luck. I currently feel great, I'm just slightly concerned for how I may feel later on in the day. The only thing I can think of is that maybe I just really didn't need more than that. I really don't understand what happened there.

Altogether over the last 24 hours I've actually only slept 4 hours, which has to be a record for me. It feels odd, because I feel fine enough, better perhaps. It will be interesting to see how I fare tomorrow and whether my body decides to try and make up for it or whether it really just didn't need all that extra sleep. The only thing I'm concerned about is how there should only be two different sleep times throughout the day, and sleeping 20 minutes in the day makes that three different times instead. Every so often it's fine I'm sure, but all the time and it's more likely to confuse the body. We'll see how it goes anyway.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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