Sunday, 8 July 2012

Back to Triphasic - Day 2

The last 24 hours have certainly been very interesting regarding my new sleeping schedule. One thing for certain is that my energy levels have been a lot more stable. No more deep dips of tiredness, and if anything I seem to have twice as much energy as I have had since I last quit the other triphasic schedule. Yesterday, as presumed, I found it difficult to fall asleep in the night due to the fact that I'd already slept about 7 hours interspersed over the day. I decided however that I wasn't going to add an extra bucket of time onto my night nap to make up for that, and that I would go cold turkey if I had to.

I ended up getting about 30 minutes of sleep altogether for my night nap, all of it deep. It was quite short, and although I awoke to no sleep inertia, I felt myself more tired for the next couple of hours after than I did before I actually went to sleep. Considering I'd only actually had about half an hour of sleep I was dreading having to fight for consciousness all morning. I didn't need to worry though. Half an hour was plenty enough to get me through till 4:30am. In fact I didn't noticce any difference between having half an hour as compared to having 1.5 or 2 hours. I realize now that all the extra time sleeping during the night really was pointless.

Come 4:30am and I had no trouble falling to sleep. I set my alarm for 8am with a period of half an hour for the smart alarm to wake me in. I woke at about 7:45am, which I found weird waking up before 8am again. I was so much more alert upon waking. No sleep inertia, no yawning, none of those horrible symptoms I've been having for the last week. It really is better to sleep less than it is more. It's illusive really because the more you feel tired the more you think you need to sleep to feel better, when in actual fact you feel better by doing the exact opposite. It seems illogical.

Come 2:30pm and I wasn't tired, in fact I felt like I had a wealth of energy, yet I realized that if I needed to take a nap it had to be then, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get one for the rest of the day and we already knows what happens when I'm prevented from taking one. I set my alarm for 1 hour, with a twenty minute period to wake me up in. It actually took me about 20 minutes to fall asleep, but I wasn't too worried. I'm learning to enjoy my time in bed waiting to fall asleep, it actually helps aid the process. Being anxious that you'll never fall asleep never works. Anyway, I woke literally 2 minutes before my alarm, after 40 minutes sleep. I have a habit of doing that in the afternoons. My cycles are always about 40 minutes long in the afternoon. I don't actually need to set my alarm but I did in anyway just in case. An oversleep would be undesirable for the repurcussions it would create at night.

It took me about half an hour to wake up after that but no problems after that, my energy levels have seemed to have doubled yet again. Triphasic is my favorite schedule of all time. This triphasic schedule doesn't seem to differ much to the other triphasic schedule in terms of energy levels. The only thing I would say is different with this schedule is the fact I don't feel like I'm up at all hours of the clock due to my 3 hour core in the morning. After looking at more blogs I've considered the idea of gradually cutting down my core by half after a few weeks, indeed many people have success on a 3x1hr triphasic schedule. Mine would probably be closer to 2x45min+1.5hr or 2hrs. Technically speaking only 1.5 hours of sleep is needed per main stage, so as there are three main stages that's only about 4.5 hours of sleep needed, which is what I'm getting at the moment. And for those who say that stage 2 sleep is completely unnecessary, then only 3 hours of sleep is actually needed, which is what I would be doing in such a schedule. Personally, although I'm not convinced that stage 2 sleep in completely unnecessary, I wouldn't rule it out ruling it out until I'd literally tried ruling it out. So to speak. Anyhow, this is off track. I'll cross that bridge once I get to it.

One thing is that I noticed though is that the pattern of my morning core was slightly different. On the biphasic schedule my 3 hour core would be comprised of 45 minutes of deep sleep followed by 45 minutes of REM, and then repeated. With this schedule it seems that the REM seems to be stacked all in the middle hour, surrounded either side by an hour of mixed deep sleep and light sleep. This may change over the week, but I thought it was just worth noting. My night sleep was virtually all deep sleep, and my afternoon sleep was mostly light with about 15 minutes of deep interspersed separately in there. I know the later I have this nap the more deep it'll contain, but this doesn't bother me that much. The body is perfectly capable of adapting. In actual fact 2-3pm is a perfect time of getting a cross of all types of sleep. Saying that I have yet to have an early afternoon nap with more than a couple of minutes of REM.

Altogether today I've had 4.5 hours sleep and I feel so much better for it. It's incredible the difference. My body just naturally seems to love triphasic. This may be my master schedule, so to speak. Hopefully I shan't run into any problems napping like last time and can keep up with this incredible schedule.

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