Last night I almost had a lapse in will power again. I kept on thinking that if I wanted to feel better I needed to sleep more, and almost went monophasic again. I guess this is years of conditioning at work here. The only way I got past that was to drill it into my head that more sleep creating better health is an illusion. Then I decided that I can't go wrong with one night of biphasic just to be sure. It's not exactly going to kill me. And if I felt worse the next day for half as much sleep then and only then could I make the decision to go back to sleeping monophasically.
Thank God for my spatial reasoning. It was only that that pulled me through. Every weekend I tell myself not to sleep in because I'll regret it the next day. Yet every weekend I end up repeating the same mistake over and over. It really isn't worth it. After sleeping biphasically again last night for 4.5 hours altogether, I feel so much better. I've yawned about three times today, in comparison to the thirty times I must've yawned yesterday. Nothing aches, I'm not sleepy, my mind is clear, and I've felt bright and dandy all day. I'm currently approaching hour 9 after my core sleep of 2.45 hours, the time my smart alarm woke me, and I still feel as good as the minute I woke up.
I definitely won't be doing that again. No way. Nuh uh. That's what she said...
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