Friday, 20 July 2012

Spamayl - Day 4

Last night didn't go very well at all. I didn't feel as tired as apparently I was. I had two blackouts and failed to wake up in the morning when I forgot to take my nap. Here are the times I've slept over the last 24hrs:

20:30 - 15 minutes (Planned)
22:30 - 30 minutes (Planned)
12:00 - ~60 minutes (Blackout)
02:00 - 30 minutes (Planned)
03:00 - ~40 minutes (Blackout)
04:45 - 40 minutes (Planned)
06:00 - ~100 minutes (Forgot to reset my alarm)
14:30 - 15 minutes (Afternoon nap)

=a grand total of 5.5hrs.

I am pleased with myself over the fact that I didn't blackout for hours at a time and only needed five hours or so to recuperate. My body seems to be accustomed rather well to polyphasic sleeping now. One thing though, I had a hell of a load of dreams last night. This is probably due to the REM rebound I've often heard about, seeing as I barely had any yesterday.

I was on the trypolyphasic forum earlier discussing my schedule and someone suggested that I need to keep all the times asleep the same, rather than having two separate times. That would apparently confuse my body. So instead, I've decided to try just 15minute naps, for convenience. I've learned from my past failure. Waiting till I'm tired to sleep won't initially cut it. It'll just end in blackouts, and that's something I don't want, nor need.

The idea is to start with around 15 naps per day and then reduce down to around 10 to 12. I'm going to start then by sleeping 15 minutes on the hour every hour for ten hours during the night. Then I'll sleep an extra five or so in the day. Hopefully one or two before lunch, two or three before dinner, and two or three before nightfall.

I created these pie charts earlier to help me visualize the schedule.

Here is an example of what I'll be doing for the initial week or so in order to get my body used to sleeping in 15 minute increments without cutting too much time off my current amount of time spent sleeping, with purple being the time awake and red the time asleep:

Eventually though over the next month or so I should be able to cut it down to something more like this:

Obviously a lot of time could be saved on a schedule such as this. First though, I need to worry about any more blackouts. I've decided that to prevent anymore blackouts I'm going to do a somewhat crazy yet necessary thing. I am going to spend the whole night awake standing up, no matter what I'm doing, tv, japanese, writing, chatting, ect. That way I can't fall asleep without falling over, which isn't really possible anyway. Yes it will be painful, but it's necessary. That and a load of backup alarms. I don't trust myself to not fall asleep accidentally anymore. The only three blackouts I've had in the last two months of polyphasic sleeping and they've all been this past week. I take that as a warning.

So I realize how extreme this schedule is compared to the others I've done so far but this time I'm trading comfort for results. Apparently, if I'm disciplined enough. I should adjust within 5 to 7 days. I can do this, if even to prove the depths of my own will power to myself.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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