Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Back to Biphasic - Days 4 to 5

Day 4:

Yesterday I was so tired in the morning that I accidentally forgot to put my alarm on. I ended up being woken by my mum at 8:45 during the middle of some deep sleep. I ended up suffering from sleep inertia for about two hours, which wasn't pleasant. It wasn't overwhelming, like it is after being disturbed in the night, but it certainly prevented me from being able to do much for the first couple of hours.

I had perked up by about 11am but come 1am I had a tired dip and was feeling pretty low so I decided to take quick nap. I fell asleep pretty instantly but woke again 10 minutes later feeling alert. That seemed to help me pass the whole day, until it got to about 9:30pm and I got super tired. I was prevented from falling to sleep till about 10:30, however, so I ended up quite irritated that last hour. All in all I slept almost 6 hours, as my first nap of the day had been 2 hours long.

Day 5:

Yesterday morning I was back to my perky midnight self after my first nap of 1.5 hours. I went to bed at 4:30am although I didn't actually fall asleep till 5am. I then slept till 8am exactly. I was feeling alright all morning, then come 4pm and I got bored and decided to rest my eyes. Next thing I know I look at the clock and 45 minutes had passed, giving me 5 hours of sleep today all in all. I should've guessed I would've fallen to sleep at that time and for that long. So I guess today technically I went back to going triphasic. On another note I do really miss my afternoon naps. I always feel so good for a few hours after waking.

I think after this messed up weekend my body's having to adjust to less sleep again, even though I feel and look better on it. After all, last week I was only sleeping about 4.5 hours per day and I felt perfectly fine. What I remember from last time though when I switched to that other biphasic schedule is that I was always tired and taking extra naps in the day. That seemed to pass after a week though until I was only having 5 hours of sleep at night and didn't really need a day nap at all. I really hope this doesn't effect my ability to sleep tonight. I shouldn't think so, but I'm hoping my body should readjust again soon in a couple of days. I need to remember: No more careless sleep-ins during the weekends! They never work and always mess everything up, as I'm finding out now.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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