These last couple of days have been a failure. My alarm keeps waking me after 2 hours at night instead of 1.5 because for some reason I have to give myself at least twenty minutes, usually thirty minutes to get to sleep, otherwise I get anxious that I won't be able to fall asleep in time. Problem is I pretty much always fall asleep under five minutes now, which means I'm sleeping too long. I'm also having this same problem in the morning, giving me closer to 4 hours instead of 3 to 3.5. So I've been averaging closer to 6 hours sleep most this week, which I'm not too pleased about. Actually day 5 I accidentally slept 2.5 hours for my night nap, which according to my sleep graph, the entire last half hour was all light sleep, which proves to show how my body has adapted.
The other thing is that I really miss my afternoon naps. I get super tired at about 5, which although I'm unable to sleep at that time, if I don't get a nap at least couple of hours before that I'll end up fighting for consciousness for most the night, which leaves me depressed and grumpy.. Even on 6 hours of sleep. It's not too nice without it. It just feels natural. I know once adapted I don't need a nap everyday but it just feels better to. For that reason I'm YET AGAIN going to change my schedule.
First thing is first. I'm going to set my alarm to wake me up at the right time in the nights and in the mornings by giving myself only ten minutes to get to sleep, which should be plenty. Second thing is I'm going to switch to a triphasic/everyman 3 hybrid schedule. I shall have about a 3 hours core in the morning, followed up with about 45 minutes in the mid to late afternoon and 45 minutes in the night, instead of 1.5 hours. This shouldn't be a problem as for some reason I always tend to wake up after 45 mins anyway, even in the night and the morning, although I don't always remember it. I feel this may complement me better, giving me my goal between 4.5 and 5 hours sleep per night. I did absolutely love sleeping three times per day, I'm just trying to make it more practical for me personally. Here are my proposed times so far:
4:00pm-4:45pm (latest I can push it)
This will give me a wake gap of about 8 hours in the morning and 5.5 hours between each of the other two naps. Obviously some days I won't be able to sleep in the day, which in that case I'll just sleep an extra hour in the morning, perhaps with one or two10-20 minutes anywhere else in the day I can get it. That shouldn't be too much of a stretch.
I have to admit it does feel a little ridiculous constantly changing between schedules like this but I'm really just trying to find out what works and what doesn't. It's all just a massive experiment. I'm really hoping this will be the schedule that finally works for me, although I doubt it. Any schedule with a regular day nap seems to be impractical for me, which I guess sort of goes against the whole point of polyphasic sleep. But still.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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