Monday, 9 July 2012

Back to Triphasic - Day 3

Last night at 10:30pm I fell asleep almost instantly, and had about 40 minutes of sleep before waking up just before the alarm went off. No problems there. I woke up fine, but then a couple of minutes after waking some weird delayed type of sleep inertia hit me again, and I was fighting for consciousness for another two hours. It was difficult to say the least, but I got through it. What I like about having only 40 minutes of sleep though is that it feels like the morning wake period stretches on forever, which is a little daunting at first, but it's a nice feeling.

I went to sleep at 4:30am and fell asleep instantly with no problems, and woke to my alarm at 7:30am. I'm also ashamed to admit that I had my second accidental oversleep since starting polyphasic sleep. This morning instead of deciding to get straight out of bed and exercise I wanted to stay in bed and think over some things. I was feeling alert and awake, and actually I've had no problem with accidentally falling asleep in bed before if I've wanted to stay and relax and think, but next thing I know one of our dogs, let in to my room by my mum, is jumping all over me trying to wake me up. I was absolutely drenched in sweat. I was completely out of it for five minutes after waking. I have absolutely no idea what happened there.

Thankfully though I only overslept by about an hour, but I was just a little pissed at myself, especially as that's never happened before. I wouldn't've minded so much if it was the weekend, but it wasn't and I felt like I'd lost a lot of valuable time. It's a shame too because the sleep graph for my core was perfect, 1.5hrs completely of deep sleep and the other 1.5hrs of REM and light sleep. I hope this sleep in hasn't reset the cycle again. I really don't know what happened because I haven't been feeling tired at all. That's what I love about triphasic, you're always perky, you never have any tired dips. It's weird to be honest.

Either way I've decided to take precautions against this ever happening again by hitting the snooze button upon waking instead of switching it off. That way it'll go off every 5 minutes for half an hour, preventing me from accidentally oversleeping. I'll also get straight out of bed and exercise. Just for a couple of weeks at least whilst I'm adjusting. I've decided that I'm going to put my everything into this schedule and stop dabbling half heartedly because I want it as my main schedule, I love it that much.. Otherwise this schedule seems to be holding up similar to the other triphasic schedule, no daytime or nighttime tiredness. There really virtually is no difference between the two schedules energy wise. I feel really good again. I love this schedule.

As for my afternoon nap, I wasn't particularly tired due to my sleep-in, but I decided to continue as if nothing had happened. I had my nap at 2:35pm and woke at 3:25pm giving me 50 minutes of sleep, although truthfully I was probably awake for half of it. I wasn't tired enough to sleep, but the twenty minutes or so I did get did me perfectly fine for the rest of the day. Not too much of a problem really.

I have my night nap coming up in about 3hrs so I hope I can get to sleep in sufficient time, but if not no matter, 30mins of sleep did me perfectly fine last time.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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