Saturday, 14 July 2012

Back to Triphasic - Days 7 to 8

These last couple of days have been a little mixed. On one hand I've been waking up before the alarm on all my sleeps, yet on the other hand due to it being the weekend, I haven't been able to have an afternoon without being consistently disturbed. In turn this is causing me to not only double my afternoon nap to compensate, which is preventing me from sleeping at night, but it's also causing me to oversleep on said night nap from anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.

I was doing so well as well. I was really starting to feel good and now I'm reverted to feeling icky again. I have to admit it's made me just a little grumpy, especially seeing as the circumstances are outside my control. I really love my afternoon nap and it really is a pain when I can't get any amount of extended time to myself to sleep in the day. Besides, without my afternoon nap I just get so freakin depressed, as probably can be seen. Although it's not really my family's fault as such, I'm certainly currently no fun to be around.

It's funny because a while back I couldn't wait till I got my own place so I could sleep in during the mornings for however long. Now I can't wait to get my own place so that there's no threat of my naps being usurped during the day. I know things will probably go back to normal on monday, but a couple of days in a row and maybe a promise of another day tomorrow without a nap just makes me want to give up. On the weekends I'm either gonna have to go without them entirely or find a work around. It is disheartening. I had just got to my goal of 4.5hours during the week and now I'm back at 5.5. I just hope this doesn't prevent my body from sleeping at all when I finally do get an afternoon to myself again.

So I guess this is more of a rant than anything else, but well, what can I say. I'm sure anyone would be just as upset if they were constantly being disturbed throughout most their sleep. It literally is like being constantly woken up in the early mornings on the weekends whilst sleeping normally. We all know how that feels. It's goddamn awful.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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